2025 Rainfall Data for Bradenham Cricket Club

Rainfall today in mm
Last 7 Days
Sat ,Fri ,Thu ,Wed ,Tue ,Mon ,
This Month
Rainfall in last month in mm
Monthly Rainfall
This data is collected using the Environment Agency rainfall data from the real-time data API (Beta). The nearest gauge to this club is shown on the map above. The blue marker indicate the rain gauge and the red marker the location of the club. The details are:
Latitude: 50.806271
Longitude: -4.5365
Grid reference: SS2137703814
Station Label: HELEBRIDGE
Latest Reading: 0.047 mm
Wettest Day in 2025: mm on
The historical data is updated overnight and the today value determined in real time from using the API - data is recorded in 15 minute intervals.
Data for all clubs plotted together can be found here
Note: Only 3 clubs (Deddington, GLT & SSM are more than 10 miles from the closest station, 69 are within 7 miles, 42 within 5 miles, 28 within 4 miles, 12 within 3 miles and 6 within 2 miles (Abingdon Vale, Brackley, Eynsham, Minster Lovell, Stokenchurch & West Ilsley)