Week 1 11 May 2024

Division 1 East Oxford 1 beat Westbury 1 by 89 Runs Result space Scorecard
Division 4A East Oxford 2 beat Westbury 2 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D Match between East Oxford 3 and Eynsham 2 forfeited by East Oxford 3 Result

Week 2 18 May 2024

Division 1 Dinton 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 65 Runs Result space Scorecard
Division 4A Wolvercote 2 beat East Oxford 2 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 99 runs Result space Scorecard

Week 3 25 May 2024

Division 1 Cropredy 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 5 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 4A East Oxford 2 beat Dorchester 1 by 6 runs Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Witney Mills 4 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard

Week 4 1 June 2024

Division 1 East Oxford 1 beat Cumnor 1 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 4A East Oxford 2 beat Bledlow Ridge 1 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D Wolvercote 4 beat East Oxford 3 by 1 wicket Result space Scorecard

Week 5 8 June 2024

Division 1 Leighton Buzzard Town 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 40 Runs Result space Scorecard
Division 4A East Oxford 2 beat Waddesdon 1 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Sunningwell 2 by 201 runs Result space Scorecard

Week 6 15 June 2024

Division 1 East Oxford 1 beat Aston Rowant 2 by 7 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 4A Thame Town II Drew with East Oxford II Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 153 runs Result space Scorecard

Week 7 22 June 2024

Division 1 East Oxford 1 beat Banbury 2 by 4 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 4A Bletchley Town 1 beat East Oxford 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D Bampton 2 beat East Oxford 3 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard

Week 8 29 June 2024

Division 1 Didcot 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 153 Runs Result space Scorecard
Division 4A East Oxford 2 beat Tiddington 2 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 261 runs Result space Scorecard

Week 9 6 July 2024

Division 1 Match Abandoned between East Oxford 1 and Horspath 1 Result
Division 4A Chearsley Drew with East Oxford Result space Scorecard
Division 8D Match Abandoned between Marcham 1 and East Oxford 3 Result

Week 10 13 July 2024

Division 1 Westbury beat East Oxford by 65 Runs Result space Scorecard
Division 4A Westbury 2 beat East Oxford 2 by 3 Runs Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Eynsham 2 by 69 runs Result space Scorecard

Week 11 20 July 2024

Division 1 Dinton 1 drew with East Oxford 1 Result space Scorecard
Division 4A East Oxford II beat Wolvercote II by 6 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Division 8D East Oxford 3 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 100 runs Result space Scorecard

1st XI

11 May 2024 East Oxford 1 beat Westbury 1 by 89 Runs Result space Scorecard
18 May 2024 Dinton 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 65 Runs Result space Scorecard
25 May 2024 Cropredy 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 5 Wickets Result space Scorecard
1 June 2024 East Oxford 1 beat Cumnor 1 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
8 June 2024 Leighton Buzzard Town 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 40 Runs Result space Scorecard
15 June 2024 East Oxford 1 beat Aston Rowant 2 by 7 Wickets Result space Scorecard
22 June 2024 East Oxford 1 beat Banbury 2 by 4 Wickets Result space Scorecard
29 June 2024 Didcot 1 beat East Oxford 1 by 153 Runs Result space Scorecard
6 July 2024 Match Abandoned between East Oxford 1 and Horspath 1 Result
13 July 2024 Westbury beat East Oxford by 65 Runs Result space Scorecard
20 July 2024 Dinton 1 drew with East Oxford 1 Result space Scorecard

2nd XI

11 May 2024 East Oxford 2 beat Westbury 2 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
18 May 2024 Wolvercote 2 beat East Oxford 2 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard
25 May 2024 East Oxford 2 beat Dorchester 1 by 6 runs Result space Scorecard
1 June 2024 East Oxford 2 beat Bledlow Ridge 1 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
8 June 2024 East Oxford 2 beat Waddesdon 1 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
15 June 2024 Thame Town II Drew with East Oxford II Result space Scorecard
22 June 2024 Bletchley Town 1 beat East Oxford 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
29 June 2024 East Oxford 2 beat Tiddington 2 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
6 July 2024 Chearsley Drew with East Oxford Result space Scorecard
13 July 2024 Westbury 2 beat East Oxford 2 by 3 Runs Result space Scorecard
20 July 2024 East Oxford II beat Wolvercote II by 6 Wickets Result space Scorecard

3rd XI

11 May 2024 Match between East Oxford 3 and Eynsham 2 forfeited by East Oxford 3 Result
18 May 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 99 runs Result space Scorecard
25 May 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Witney Mills 4 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
1 June 2024 Wolvercote 4 beat East Oxford 3 by 1 wicket Result space Scorecard
8 June 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Sunningwell 2 by 201 runs Result space Scorecard
15 June 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 153 runs Result space Scorecard
22 June 2024 Bampton 2 beat East Oxford 3 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
29 June 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 261 runs Result space Scorecard
6 July 2024 Match Abandoned between Marcham 1 and East Oxford 3 Result
13 July 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Eynsham 2 by 69 runs Result space Scorecard
20 July 2024 East Oxford 3 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 100 runs Result space Scorecard