2024 Fixtures for Division 8D

NOTE: If you intend to load scorecards from PCS/play-cricket DO NOT create these fixtures yourself in play-cricket - use the league generated ones or it will not work!

1 11th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Match between East Oxford 3 and Eynsham 2 forfeited by East Oxford 3 Result
Minster Lovell 3 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 6 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Bampton 2 beat Sunningwell 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Witney Mills 4 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard

2 18th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 2 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Match between Eynsham 2 and Witney Mills 4 forfeited by Witney Mills 4 Result
Marcham 1 beat Wolvercote 4 by 167 runs Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 99 runs Result space Scorecard
Match between Stanton Harcourt 2 and Sunningwell 2 forfeited by Stanton Harcourt 2 Result

3 25th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 2 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 131 runs Result space Scorecard
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Sunningwell 2 by 174 runs Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 beat Witney Mills 4 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Wolvercote 4 by 67 runs Result space Scorecard

4 1st June 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Wolvercote 4 beat East Oxford 3 by 1 wicket Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Sunningwell 2 by 134 runs Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 10 wickets Result space Scorecard
Bampton 2 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Witney Mills 4 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 6 wickets Result space Scorecard

5 8th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Marcham 1 beat Bampton 2 by 2 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Minster Lovell 3 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 59 runs Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 200 Runs Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 beat Sunningwell 2 by 201 runs Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Witney Mills 4 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard

6 15th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

East Oxford 3 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 153 runs Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 Drew with Bampton 2 Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Match Abandoned between Witney Mills 4 and Sunningwell 2 Result
Wolvercote 4 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard

7 22nd June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bampton 2 beat East Oxford 3 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 drew with Witney Mills 4 Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 179 runs Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Sunningwell 2 by 6 wickets Result space Scorecard

8 29th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

East Oxford 3 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 261 runs Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Eynsham 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Minster Lovell 3 beat Sunningwell 2 by 132 runs Result space Scorecard
Bampton 2 beat Witney Mills 4 by 10 wickets Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 10 wickets Result space Scorecard

9 6th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Match Abandoned between Bampton 2 and Wolvercote 4 Result
Match Abandoned between Marcham 1 and East Oxford 3 Result
Match Abandoned between Minster Lovell 3 and Eynsham 2 Result
Match Abandoned between Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 and Sunningwell 2 Result
Match Abandoned between Stanton Harcourt 2 and Witney Mills 4 Result

10 13th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bampton 2 beat Sunningwell 2 by 2 wickets Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 beat Eynsham 2 by 69 runs Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Witney Mills 4 by 40 runs Result space Scorecard
Minster Lovell 3 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 2 wickets Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 10 wickets Result space Scorecard

11 20th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

East Oxford 3 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 100 runs Result space Scorecard
Bampton 2 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Sunningwell 2 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 7 runs Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Witney Mills 4 by 132 runs Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Wolvercote 4 by 9 wickets Result space Scorecard

12 27th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bampton 2 drew with Minster Lovell 3 Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 drew with Witney Mills 4 Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Wolvercote 4 by 8 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Sunningwell 2 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 171 runs Result space Scorecard

13 3rd August 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Match between Bampton 2 and Stanton Harcourt 2 forfeited by Stanton Harcourt 2 Result
Minster Lovell 3 drew with Witney Mills 4 Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Sunningwell 2 by 205 Runs Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 beat Wolvercote 4 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard

14 10th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

East Oxford 3 beat Sunningwell 2 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 8 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Marcham 1 beat Bampton 2 by 76 Runs Result space Scorecard
Match between Stanton Harcourt 2 and Minster Lovell 3 forfeited by Stanton Harcourt 2 Result
Wolvercote 4 beat Witney Mills 4 by 121 runs Result space Scorecard

15 17th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Eynsham 2 beat Bampton 2 by 24 runs Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 6 wickets Result space Scorecard
East Oxford 3 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 85 runs Result space Scorecard
Match between Stanton Harcourt 2 and Marcham 1 forfeited by Stanton Harcourt 2 Result
Sunningwell 2 beat Witney Mills 4 by 71 runs Result space Scorecard

16 24th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Match Abandoned between East Oxford 3 and Bampton 2 Result
Eynsham 2 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 4 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Match abandoned between Marcham 1 and Minster Lovell 3 Result
Match between Witney Mills 4 and Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 forfeited by Witney Mills 4 Result
Match Abandoned between Wolvercote 4 and Sunningwell 2 Result

17 31st August 12.30 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 2 beat Witney Mills 4 by 33 runs Result space Scorecard
Eynsham 2 beat Marcham 1 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Sunningwell 2 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 4 wickets Result space Scorecard
Wolvercote 4 beat Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard
Stanton Harcourt 2 beat East Oxford 3 by 6 wickets Result space Scorecard

18 7th September 12.30 PM Win-Lose Table

Match Abandoned between East Oxford 3 and Marcham 1 Result
Eynsham 2 beat Minster Lovell 3 by 155 runs Result space Scorecard
Match between Sunningwell 2 and Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 forfeited by Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 Result
Witney Mills 4 beat Stanton Harcourt 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard
Match between Wolvercote 4 and Bampton 2 forfeited by Wolvercote 4 Result