Division 7C on 25 May 2024
Challow and Childrey 3 vs Wolvercote 3
1st Inns 2nd Inns
Challow and Childrey 3 Wolvercote 3
Runs 61 65
Wkts 10 4
Overs 25.2 26
Deducted 0 0
Bonus 1 0
Final Points 2 26
Wolvercote 3 beat Challow and Childrey 3 by 6 wickets
Challow and Childrey 3:
Daniel Westmoreland 3-9
Wolvercote 3:
Brian George 3-10, Nicolas Pinhol 3-13
Toss: Wolvercote 3
Umpires: Britford Jeeves Max Oscroft
Scorecard: Scorecard