2024 Fixtures for Division 5B

NOTE: If you intend to load scorecards from PCS/play-cricket DO NOT create these fixtures yourself in play-cricket - use the league generated ones or it will not work!

1 11th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 1 beat Banbury 4 by 115 Runs Result space Scorecard
Match Abandoned between Broughton and North Newington 1 and Sandford St Martin 2 Result
Middleton Cheney 1 beat Charlbury 2 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard
Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Kidlington 1 by 83 Runs Result space Scorecard
Oxford Downs 3 beat Brackley 2 by 8 wickets Result space Scorecard

2 18th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Banbury beat Oxford Downs by 3 Wickets Result space Scorecard space New Result
Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Bampton 1 by 76 Runs Result space Scorecard
Charlbury 2 beat Brackley 2 by 152 runs Result space Scorecard
Middleton Cheney 1 beat Broughton and North Newington 1 by 6 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Kidlington beat Sandford St Martin II by 229 Runs Result space Scorecard space New Result

3 25th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 1 beat Kidlington 1 by 4 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Match Abandoned between Broughton and North Newington 1 and Brackley 2 Result
Banbury 4 beat Charlbury 2 by 30 runs Result space Scorecard
Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Oxford Downs 3 by 58 runs Result space Scorecard
Middleton Cheney beat Sandford St Martin II by 9 Wickets Result space Scorecard space New Result

4 1st June 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 1 beat Sandford St Martin 2 by 134 Runs Result space Scorecard
Banbury beat Broughton and North Newington by 54 Runs Result space Scorecard space New Result
Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Charlbury 2 by 121 Runs Result space Scorecard
Middleton Cheney 1 beat Brackley 2 by 9 wickets Result space Scorecard
Kidlington 1 beat Oxford Downs 3 by 10 runs Result space Scorecard space New Result

5 8th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bicester and North Oxford beat Broughton and North Newington by 71 Runs Result space Scorecard space New Result
Kidlington 1 beat Charlbury 2 by 71 runs Result space Scorecard
Middleton Cheney beat Banbury by 115 Runs Result space Scorecard space New Result
Bampton 1 beat Oxford Downs 3 by 6 wickets Result space Scorecard
Sandford St Martin II beat Brackley II by 151 Runs Result space Scorecard space New Result

6 15th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bampton 1 beat Charlbury 2 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard
Banbury 4 beat Brackley 2 by 8 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Middleton Cheney 1 by 5 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Kidlington 1 beat Broughton and North Newington 1 by 10 wickets Result space Scorecard space New Result
Oxford Downs 3 beat Sandford St Martin 2 by 5 wickets Result space Scorecard space New Result

7 22nd June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Brackley 2 by 8 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Broughton and North Newington Drew with Bampton Result space Scorecard space New Result
Oxford Downs 3 beat Charlbury 2 by 3 wickets Result space Scorecard
Kidlington 1 beat Middleton Cheney 1 by 5 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Sandford St Martin 2 drew with Banbury 4 Result space Scorecard space New Result

8 29th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Middleton Cheney 1 beat Bampton 1 by 2 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Banbury 4 by 2 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Charlbury 2 drew with Sandford St Martin 2 Result space Scorecard
Kidlington 1 beat Brackley 2 by 6 wickets Result space Scorecard
Oxford Downs 3 beat Broughton and North Newington 1 by 7 wickets Result space Scorecard

9 6th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Match Abandoned between Banbury 4 and Kidlington 1 Result
Match Abandoned between Brackley 2 and Bampton 1 Result
Broughton and North Newington 1 beat Charlbury 2 by 9 wickets Result space Scorecard
Middleton Cheney 1 beat Oxford Downs 3 by 5 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Match Abandoned between Sandford St Martin 2 and Bicester & North Oxford 2 Result

10 13th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Banbury 4 drew with Bampton 1 Result space Scorecard
Bicester and North Oxford II Drew with Kidlington Result space Scorecard space New Result
Oxford Downs 3 beat Brackley 2 by 137 Runs Result space Scorecard
Charlbury 2 beat Middleton Cheney 1 by 16 Runs Result space Scorecard
Sandford St Martin II beat Broughton and North Newington by 7 Wickets Result space Scorecard space New Result

11 20th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bicester & North Oxford 2 beat Bampton 1 by 5 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Middleton Cheney beat Broughton and North Newington by 127 Runs Result space Scorecard space New Result
Charlbury 2 beat Brackley 2 by 4 Wickets Result space Scorecard
Kidlington 1 beat Sandford St Martin 2 by 9 wickets Result space Scorecard space New Result
Oxford Downs 3 beat Banbury 4 by 55 runs Result space Scorecard

12 27th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw Table

Banbury 4 vs Charlbury 2
Bicester & North Oxford 2 vs Oxford Downs 3 (
Martin Randall (h)Martin Randall : 07502 002565
Andrew Kumar (a)Andrew Kumar : 07721 043125
Brackley 2 vs Broughton and North Newington 1 (
David Grashoff (h)David Grashoff : 07717 577175
Raz White (a)Raz White : 07745 785827
Kidlington 1 vs Bampton 1 (
Graham Bridges (h)Graham Bridges : 07879 448100
Middleton Cheney 1 vs Sandford St Martin 2 (
David Beck (h)David Beck : 07852 998172

13 3rd August 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Broughton and North Newington 1 vs Banbury 4
Charlbury 2 vs Bicester & North Oxford 2 (
Martin Randall (a)Martin Randall : 07502 002565
Middleton Cheney 1 vs Brackley 2 (
Mark Austin (h)Mark Austin : 07986 655323
Oxford Downs 3 vs Kidlington 1 (
Luke Mitchell (a)Luke Mitchell : 07824 644968
Sandford St Martin 2 vs Bampton 1

14 10th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Bampton 1 vs Oxford Downs 3
Banbury 4 vs Middleton Cheney 1
Bicester & North Oxford 2 vs Broughton and North Newington 1
Brackley 2 vs Sandford St Martin 2
Kidlington 1 vs Charlbury 2

15 17th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Brackley 2 vs Banbury 4
Broughton and North Newington 1 vs Kidlington 1
Charlbury 2 vs Bampton 1
Middleton Cheney 1 vs Bicester & North Oxford 2
Sandford St Martin 2 vs Oxford Downs 3

16 24th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 1 vs Broughton and North Newington 1
Banbury 4 vs Sandford St Martin 2
Bicester & North Oxford 2 vs Brackley 2
Kidlington 1 vs Middleton Cheney 1
Oxford Downs 3 (at St Hughs School) vs Charlbury 2

17 31st August 12.30 PM Win-Lose

Banbury 4 vs Bicester & North Oxford 2
Brackley 2 vs Kidlington 1
Broughton and North Newington 1 vs Oxford Downs 3
Middleton Cheney 1 vs Bampton 1
Sandford St Martin 2 vs Charlbury 2

18 7th September 12.30 PM Win-Lose

Bampton 1 vs Brackley 2
Bicester & North Oxford 2 vs Sandford St Martin 2
Charlbury 2 vs Broughton and North Newington 1
Kidlington 1 vs Banbury 4
Oxford Downs 3 (at Brize Norton CC) vs Middleton Cheney 1